Should Digital Marketing Agencies Start Working Remotely Forever?

In a time like the one we are living in, time for hard decisions is here. If you’re running the past few weeks and months have taught you a new way of working. Even the technology to work remotely had been with us for many years, the world as a whole preferred to continue following the traditional work-space route.

Many digital marketing agencies started working remotely as soon as the lockdown restrictions came into force. Many of them even noticed that productivity of their employees has been surprisingly impressive despite working from home. This is after many people running marketing agencies feared their productivity would slip and cause significant losses.

The period of crisis has in fact convinced many agencies to start creating more remote positions. Agencies across the country are considering whether hiring people remotely is a better option than working in a traditional workplace. The coronavirus crisis has helped open the minds of many entrepreneurs to the possibilities of working from home. In this article, we discuss whether digital marketing agencies should start working remotely forever.

Know Your Business

It is difficult to pass a sweeping judgement on whether Digital marketing news and trends should start working remotely. Each business has its own unique requirements. Some agencies might not have had a good experience working remotely. It is also possible that the clients of some agencies prefer to do business with companies who have a traditional working model.

Every entrepreneur running a digital marketing agency should understand the special needs of his/her business. There is no point in making a decision without doing the same. While some agencies can thrive working remotely, others might benefit from a traditional working model.

Start Building a Remote Team

It is true that shifting the entire working team to work remotely is too radical, especially at this early stage. However, agencies can consider slowly building a remote team that supports the company all the time. By having a traditional workspace team and a remote team, agencies can streamline their work and start going for clients they couldn’t earlier. Having a remote team can also help agencies get a glimpse of how remote working can actually be optimized to be efficient before  making the leap and taking the entire business to a remote level.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers some of the main reasons digital marketing agencies must consider working from home more often.

About the Author – Goyal Giri is a digital marketing entrepreneur currently heading work at his own agency in Delhi. He is also a regular blogger and often writes guest posts for, an institute known for its digital marketing training in Delhi.